Guitar effect patches for the zoom ZFX plug-in
The new ZFX Stack and Control packages from Zoom offer countless options for guitarists and bassists to creatively manipulate their sound with assistance from legendary guitar rigs. Used as stand-alone software or as a VST plug-in application for use in digital audio software such as Cubase, the C5.1T is a floor controller that offers a total solution for guitar and bass players.
Patchlist - Upload patch - Request patch
Name | Artist | Rating |
Date | Uploader | Downl |
Encounter |
You |
4 |
2010-06-20 |
Pickasso |
1268 |
Engage |
Devoured-Corpse |
5 |
2009-07-22 |
Pickasso |
1289 |
Assailant |
Metal Rhythm |
2008-12-28 |
Pickasso |
1536 |
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