About guitarpatches.com

On this site you can share and download patches/presets for guitar effetcs, bass effects and amplifiers.

It's 100% free and you only have to register if you wan't to request or rate a patch.

There are two different types of patches, manual and file patches. The manual patches show all settings and you have to dial them in on your effect unit by hand. The file library contains downloadable patches that you often need a computer and software to transfer them to your effect unit. The type of library depends on the capabilities of the different units

If you think there is an effect unit/amplifier we should add to the labraries let us know through the contact form

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All patches on guitarpatches.com are made by individual users. Any product name or trademarks used by the users to describe their patches are the sole property of their respective owners. Any use of these product names or trademarks of other manufacturers should not be construed as an endorsement, association or affiliation with guitarpatches.com.