Guitar effect patches for the Boss ME-90
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ME-ToneX-set - musicians like you
This set mimics the Tone X amps shown in the video demo, the boss ME90 can do all of this as well for shure, you just have to try, this is my attempt, My setup is frontamp in, adust to your settings : OUTPUT LEVEL / PREAMP LEVEL / to much distorition , adjust PreAmp GAIN ! ME-ToneX-set ME-TX-MSLP100 Tone X Plexi 100 Bonedo Marshall SLP100 drive ME-TX-ODSJazz Tone X Cleanest ODS Jazz clean ME-TX-AC0n4 Tone X AC on 4 legs ME-TX-DisDist Tone X Disorder Distorted hi gain ME-TX-OCrunch Tone X Ohio Crunch drive ME-TX-DARK65DLX Dark 65 DLX clean ME-TX-RstNail Tone X Rusty Nail Hi Gain ME-TX-DarkShr Tone X Dark Shredder hi-gain ME-TX-VzDrive Tone X Vez Drive hi-gain
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