Popup windows in forum

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Popup windows in forum

Post by carlosclaptrix » Tue Jan 01, 2019 2:07 pm


First of all thanks for your service! I use a Digitech rp1000 and miss the shutdown Digitech forum. So I am pleased to find some patches here.

I have a problem within the forum. When I open a thread, the popup window ("Subscribe topic...") covers the content of the thread quite a bit. So, how can I close the popup window?

Also as I just tried to use the contact function it did not accept the security code which was definitely correct!

Best wishes,

Site Admin
Posts: 125
Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:50 pm

Re: Popup windows in forum

Post by haax » Mon May 27, 2019 5:15 am


Changed the forum theme now so hopefully the problems will go away.
Administrator at guitarpatches.com

Effects/Amps: Zoom G2, Line 6 Amplifi FX100
Guitar: Signature Oracle

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