Guitar effect patches for the Digitech RP360 & RP360 XP

This is a file library, you will need Digitech Nexus software to use the patches.


Stack Attack - Marky Mark


Deluxe Reverb 65 with rhythm and lead crunch. Pedal controls gain. Float on a mix very neatly. Sounds full loud in a room. You may prefer this to a heavy metal sound because it has great presence but lots of mid Nd does not sound like she Marshall. It has Great crunch and top end sparkle. Might be about as tubular as you can get out of a digital unit. Adding a Tube Screamer or a Joyo Overdrive clone sounds warm and helps bring it back in the realm of analog. Blues Driver 2 by Boss is also a favorite of mine in front of the RP360


Marky Mark

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